CEO or a Senior Leader?

Do you have a big vision?

Are you looking to raise your performance to the next level?

Are you looking to develop a higher performing team?

Are you stuck and not sure where to take your career next?

What legacy will you leave behind?
I work with senior leaders in all of these areas.

I understand firsthand the “loneliness of leadership” because I have been there. I know that on those days when you just haven't got it all figured out, usually there isn't anyone else you can ask. 

I tell the truth to people like you because we both know that, at your level, nobody does, even if they say they do, because they all work for you or they are scared to.
Together, we will craft your Vision of what you want to create in your role, in your team, in your career, or in your life.
Next, we will work on your Strategy to achieve this vision. Along the way, we will identify any Skill-set Gaps that hold you back from your vision. We will also look at Mindset Gaps, - the blind spots, the edges of your leadership thinking that you didn’t know were there until I pointed them out. I will show you your leadership edge and I’ll challenge you to step beyond it, one tiny step at a time. And you will grow. Your Action Plan to achieve your vision will be our road map for your coaching journey - but I can also be a sounding board for opportunities or issues on the journey too.
I will challenge you. I will tell you the truth. I coach with tough love and I’m deeply committed to your success.